Asphalt Roofing

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Asphalt Roofing in Sarnia ON

Step-by-Step Asphalt Roof Replacement Process:

  • Initial Consultation: Dive into a detailed discussion about your roofing needs. Whether virtually or in person, we’re here to understand your concerns, offering solutions tailored just for you.
  • Expert Roof Check: Our certified Haag inspector doesn’t leave a stone unturned, making sure to inspect your roof both pre and post-installation.
  • Clear-Cut Agreement: Every tiny detail, from the scope to the deadlines, warranties, pricing, and payment structure, is outlined for a hassle-free experience.
  • Material Mobilization: A few days before D-day, watch as our crane strategically positions the best roofing materials atop your home.
  • Roof Transformation: In just a span of 2-3 days on average, watch your asphalt roof transition into its brand-new avatar.
  • Fair Billing: We believe in complete transparency. Expect an invoice only after we’ve given our 100% and completed the task.
  • Share Your Thoughts: At Roofing Sarnia, your feedback helps us grow. Whether praises or pointers, we want to hear it all.

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Discover the Diversity of Asphalt Roofs

Asphalt shingles reign supreme in the world of roofing, and for good reasons. They blend cost-effectiveness with resilience, ensuring protection from harsh weathers. And, with Roofing Sarnia, quality is a guarantee, as we partner with the best in business like Certainteed.

Types of Asphalt Shingles

  • Fiberglass Laminate Shingles: Often referred to as architectural shingles, these stand out with their robust nature and varied design. Their layered appearance, mixed with different shapes and sizes, offers a textured aesthetic. Moreover, with copper-infused granules, they resist algae growth.
  • Designer Shingles: When regular just won’t do, designer shingles step in. They skillfully emulate the elegance of materials like wood, slate, or tiles. Their multi-layered asphalt design, combined with their thickness, provides unmatched durability and a premium look for those seeking a cut above the rest.


Understanding the Cost Dynamics of Asphalt Roofing

Asphalt roofing services are diverse – from installations to replacements and beyond. Naturally, costs vary based on the service you opt for. Plus, numerous other factors influence the final price, making it challenging to pinpoint a one-size-fits-all price tag. With Roofing Sarnia, rest assured you’re getting competitive pricing coupled with top-notch service.


Asphalt Roofing Sarnia


Why Choose Asphalt Roofing? Dive into the Benefits:

  • Versatility: Asphalt shingles come in a plethora of designs, textures, and colors, ensuring there’s something for every aesthetic preference.
  • Energy Efficiency: They play a significant role in regulating home temperatures, ensuring you save on energy bills and maintain a comfortable indoor climate.
  • Budget-Friendly: An optimal blend of durability and affordability makes asphalt roofs a top choice for many homeowners.
  • Straightforward Installation: With Roofing Sarnia, watch as your roof gets seamlessly installed without any hiccups, thanks to the ease of setting up asphalt shingles.
  • Impressive Longevity: Opting for asphalt roofing means investing in a future that promises excellent life expectancy, ensuring peace of mind for years to come.

We hope this comprehensive guide provides clarity on everything asphalt roofing. Roofing Sarnia is here to assist, ensuring your home gets the roof it truly deserves.