Roof Restoration

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Roof Restoration in Sarnia

Why Opt for Roofing Sarnia for Your Roof Restoration?

  • Generous Renewable Warranties: At Roofing Sarnia, we stand by the quality of our work. That’s why we confidently provide 10 to 20-year renewable warranties, ensuring you peace of mind for the years to come.
  • Commitment to Savings: We’re not just about top-tier services; we’re about delivering value. Our primary goal is to ensure that commercial property owners maximize their savings when they choose our roofing solutions.
  • A Team of Professionals: Our strength lies in our dedicated team. Comprising industry veterans and highly trained technicians, we bring unparalleled expertise to every project.
  • Years of Excellence: Since our inception in 2015, we’ve been committed to providing the Sarnia community with unmatched roofing services. Our extensive experience speaks volumes about our dedication and reliability.
  • Diverse Portfolio: Our footprint extends beyond just Sarnia. Having successfully managed roofing projects across various regions and domains, we bring a rich tapestry of experience to the table.

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Signs It’s Time for Roof Restoration

  • 1) Moss & Dirt Build-Up: A roof overrun with moss or dirt is more than just an eyesore—it can compromise the roof’s integrity. Consider restoration to enhance its lifespan and appearance.
  • 2) Persistent Roof Leaks: If you notice leaks, it’s a clear sign that your roof may be deteriorating. Addressing this promptly can prevent further damage and costly repairs.
  • 3) Weathered and Drab Roof: Just like anything, roofs age and lose their original sheen. If your roof looks tired and worn, rejuvenating it can make a world of difference.

Roof Restoration Before After

Our Comprehensive Roof Restoration Process

  1. In-depth Roof Evaluation: We conduct a thorough inspection to identify all existing problems, ensuring no issue goes unnoticed.
  2. Highlighting Potential Concerns: Our team is trained to pinpoint areas that might soon become problematic, ensuring proactive measures are taken.
  3. Detailed Restoration Plan: Every roof has unique needs. We draft a tailored plan, addressing every corner of your roof to ensure its longevity.
  4. Advanced Protective Coatings: Depending on the requirement, we apply state-of-the-art liquid coatings, offering an added layer of protection against the elements.
  5. Ensuring Water-Tightness: From minor gaps to significant openings, we make sure every inch of your roof is sealed to perfection, eliminating chances of water penetration.
  6. Complete Repairs: Rest assured, our team won’t leave until every identified issue is resolved to the highest standard.
  7. Transparent Client Communication: Your trust is paramount. We provide a comprehensive photo report after our service, ensuring you’re abreast of all the work done.


Cost of Roof Restoration in Sarnia

Roof restoration is a customized service, with costs varying based on specific requirements and the extent of work needed. To get an accurate estimate tailored to your needs, we recommend filling out Roofing Sarnia’s detailed roof restoration request form.